Monday, February 18, 2013

My Little Journey...

So, I've decided to start trying my hand at blogging. So much goes through this crazy brain of mine ..I just felt I should grace the world with my thoughts through opening this little jewel =). To start, it's a fabulous beautiful windy day outside. Starting to look a teeny tiny bit like spring...With new weather and a new season blooming before my eyes, I can't help but mention all of the new things God's been bringing to full bloom in my very own life. God has been sucha charmer lately through his words to me...This past Valentines days I celebrated 5 months of being married to my incredible italian stallion (hehe) and through these few months of marital bliss, God has truly been showing me what it looks like to be a godly WIFE (which is something very new to me).

me and my new hubby in Gatlinburg about a month after we married =)
The book I was given by our marriage counselor =)

I've been reading a book by Martha Peace called "The Excellent Wife" (given to me by my church's associate pastor and our marriage counselor, Mark Harrison). The book has helped me tremendously in the area of submission...most of you who know me know that I tend to want to take control of situations and SOMETIMES can be a bit of a control freak. It comes to me naturally (gee, thanks granny..and mom =)..)..and this lady shares scripture on things like submission to your husband, showing respect to your husband...things that do not come easy for me, ima be honest. Well, it's funny..when you start asking God to take control of your faults, of your controlling habits and all of your big bundle of worries, fears and anxious thoughts, He takes those and replaces them with trials and circumstances to practice putting your TRUST in HIM instead of trying to take matters in your own hands.. Marriage has definantly been a fun and beautiful journey this far...God is truly teaching me that I MUST live out 1 corinthians 13...

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

To love Brett the way Christ desires a wife to love her husband...I MUST put his needs and his desires above my own. Through that , Christ is glorified and his beauty is shown through my marriage. Hmm....pondering on these thoughts....

More to Come,


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