Thursday, February 21, 2013

Learning to Trust..

Hi all.

If I could sit here and share with you the absolute one thing that God is teaching me in my walk it would be ....


My God is a big God. He has recently brought a lot of new choices through my path that have left me feeling somewhat nervous about that choice my husband and I should choose to walk into. Through ALL of this, God has pushed me to pray hard and to bring all of my anxious thoughts and worries to his feet. SO..I have and boy have I been praying hard. I do not want to walk with all of these unnecessary worries and fears. That's not God's plan for the Christian wife (or husband or single). This morning, I was going to continue my journey through Genesis, but God directed me to Proverbs oddly enough (hello, can I get "Wisdom" for 300?) hehe =)

Anyone ever struggle with making decisions? Or better yet, accepting the challenges that the Lord allows to approach your life? As I sit here just thinking about all that the Lord has allowed to pass through my life, I can't help but laugh. He sure does have a way of answering prayers, bringing you closer to him, and putting you in situations that bring glory to his name. His name WILL be glorified and I'm telling you now...if you are praying or start to pray for God to move in your life, to answer a prayer in your life, or to draw you closer to just best be getting ready because He will SURELY answer that prayer..and it might not be in the way you expect Him too..

                                                           But cling to this....

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes, Fear the Lord and turn away from all evil. Doing this will bring healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Proverb 3:1-8

No matter what God asks you to go through, you CAN rest easy at night that His ways are SO much stinkin better than our own...that His end purpose is to bring beautiful glory to His Holy name and what He chooses for you to endure, to go through, to walk that specific journey..He has purpose in mold you into looking more and more like Him, to pull you up and out of your comfort zone, and to USE you to reach the unreachable.

Alot to take in, right?'s the question that Jesus has been asking  ME through all this....
                                                 "DO YOU TRUST ME?"

Just a few thoughts..=)


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