Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dancing in the Hallway =)

Ever think to yourself..."God, it's so wonderful that you've blessed Susy Q, but how's about sendin' me a blessin' or two of my own, huh?" HA! As crazy as this may sound, I have thought this exact thing more times than I can count lately. You look around at everyone else's lives and see the wonderful things happening for them and all of a sudden you're overtaken with thoughts of your own desires and dreams for your life and wonder when your turn will appear.

"God, when are you going to move in my life?"
"God, when is it my turn?"
"God, when can I experience my God-given desires and dreams? When will it come to pass? When    will it finally come through??"

Whether (for us southern gals) it be a question of when will the right smoking hot, jesus-lovin man come along, or perhaps when will God reveal his path for you, or maybe for you married ladies out there your question (along with my own) might be "God, when will it be my turn to start my family? to have a beautiful child of my very own? to begin my journey as a mommy?"...maybe for some, you are asking and waiting for the Lord to direct you in work, in a new job, to answer a prayer for you financially, medically..For you "wiser" ladies as I like to refer to may have a question of when is God's time for you to finally be able to enjoy your days free of nag and pull from your boss and co-workers...the list goes on.

So let's just face it. Sometimes in the midst of asking God "when,when,when will you open this or that door"...we miss out on what He is wanting to teach us in the hallway. God's ways are perfect, flawless, without defect or blemish. He is all knowing and has held us in the palms of his hand before we were ever even brought into the world...yet, so often, I feel the need to plan out every area and movement for my life...even years down the road...If I truly believe that God has got me, that He is truly the Great "I AM"...then what in the world am I worryin' myself sick about? If we are so consumed with getting to that next position, that next step in our lives, that next "door"...we will most definantly miss the incredible God experience that He longs to give us while we are waiting for Him in our hallway.

Right now, I must confess to you. I am in a hallway. I've already walked through a beautiful door that He so graciously opened for me (for ALL of us, bottom line is that first door is the door of our salvation and what a beautiful door that is!!) and God has put a desire in my heart as of lately that I have began praying for...but God is also reminding me that until He decides on His time to open that door (IF He decides at all to open it ..which is totally His call)...He asks nothing more of me than to dance undignified before Him in my hallway. to praise Him in my hallway. to lift my hands in total abandonment and awe of Him in my hallway. to love him and to fall even more in love with him in my hallway. for HE IS IN THE HALLWAY. no, different doors of our lives may not be open just yet, but stop focusing on when he is going to open it, and instead focus on your opportunities and your life as of now, right where you are, in your hallway. =) some of the greatest dances we will perform in life will for sure be the ones we danced in our hallway, as we sought God with all of our heart, as we sought for him like hidden treasure, as we poured out the deepest part of our hearts to him through our tears late at what are you waiting for? Start your dance in your hallway, girlfriend =)

dancing crazy for the Lord in my hallway today =)
love you big!
Ashleigh Anne

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