Thursday, August 29, 2013

The End is Near..

I can sense the end of life as we know it is very near. I can sense deep down in my bones that something major is about to take place. God spoke yesterday to me and continues to speak it in my walk today that it is high time to forget the things of this world and once again, allow the Lord to renew my mind and put it back on Kingdom vision. Christians have heard it preached from the pulpit time and time again (hopefully...if not, what church are you going to?) that the end is near, that you must turn from your sinful way of living and cry out to God to save you. We know the end of Revelation...but it hit yesterday like a ton of bricks... why don't we live like we know?

It's so clear in Revelation and all throughout the New Testament that we as Believers are not just living aimless lives, all the while trying to be more like Christ for nothing. We are WAITING and WATCHING for His SECOND return. You do remember, Christian, that He has plans to come back, right? Hebrews 9:28 says ," So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to BRING SALVATION to those who are WAITING for Him."...'s what the Lord whispered to me yesterday and is still doing so today even as I type this...When Christ comes back, the life that I live now...the things that I concern myself with now...the plans and parties that I get all excited about...the vacations that I spend hours planning, the excitement that I get out of getting new stuff for my house, for myself...all of it, the day in day out getting up and going to work, my goals of  finally achieveing that supermodel body (yeah right..) flash to Ashleigh...WHEN Christ DOES return, when He calls me up to be with Him in Heaven... When that happens, life as I know it will be over. All the things I put my focus on in this world will be no more. I mean, what scared me yesterday about all this was the simple fact that what if Jesus returns, takes me and saves me from the world's ultimate nasty fate...and I'm shocked when I find myself in heaven ...just me and Jesus. No stuff. No plans. No schedule. Nothing. Does that freak anyone else out????

God spoke and it was as if He said.." Ashleigh WAKE UP. I have told you not to live for this world. You are IN this world, but not of it. Why are you allowing yourself to become so consumed with the world's things?? Have I not told you they will not last? WAKE UP. I'm coming. I'm coming for you and you have GOT to be ready. Every hour. Every day. Stop spending all your time on the things of this world, in front of the tv, on all this social media, wrapped up in the gossip and other pointless and just straight up wasteful things. Focus on Me for I am coming sooner than you think."

If Christ came back tonight, would believers be upset about it because they had plans for the rest of the year or years of their lives? Seems like a "good" Christian would give that Sunday School answer. They would hide behind that "Of course not. I'm ready!" answer, but deep down I truly wonder how many "believers" are actually ready for his return? Scary thought. Lord, I want to be ready. Everything in my life will burn up if you are not the center of it all. Wake us up.

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