Thursday, November 13, 2014


"Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed....So Abram went, as the Lord had told him..."
Genesis 12:1-4

I know it. That feeling you get when you feel the Holy Spirit leading you. Whispering to you. I know the thoughts that come after you hear it..."God, is this really you speaking?" "Lord, am I talking all of this up in my head?" "Is the enemy trying to trip me up?" "IS THIS REALLY YOU?"
I know that process because I've been there, and am there now. This conversation from the Lord (more like a straight command), really has very little dialogue to make sense to Abraham. I mean, how simple does Abraham's life seem then? God says GO, he says FO SHO. Does it not absolutely blow your mind that Abraham asked ZERO questions..."Ummm, hey God, how you doin'? So, like..uhhh yeah, you gonna tell me just where exactly it is that I aughta go?"...or what about..."Ima need DEETS Lord (details people), Ima need to know what time we headin' out so I can pack my stuff and feed the dog before we go...ima need to know how we gettin' there, ya I load up the camel, or should we take the desert steamroller..oh yeah, and WHY am I leaving exactly? I actually kinda like where I'm at...I got all muh friends by my side, I got my house all did up, lookin' like pinterest on FI'YAH... why we gotta leave?"


In fact, Scripture doesn't even record him responding with words...Abraham responds with immediate action..."So Abram went, as the Lord had told him..." WOW. Ya see, I think the reason for Abraham's response was because of the promise that followed the command..I think that when the Lord unwrapped that promise to Abraham, he became fixated on the prize at the end. He became like a kid at Christmas waiting to open that massive present under his tree...He knew it was coming. He knew something unimaginable was on the horizon, wrapped up with a big red bow on it, straight from the God of heaven, from the God of the stars..."I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you I will curse, and IN YOU ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED..." THATS ME AND YOU PEOPLE! Abraham is chillin up in the heavenlies with his Daddy and He is STILL reaping His promise...THROUGH US!! Ya see, Abraham heard the command...but heard the promise afterwards...and his heart chose that day to TRUST in the words spoken by the refrain from asking all questions...knowing that the Lord held him, that the Lord WOULD show Him, because He is faithful to lead the way. Is there something that's been impressed on your heart lately, daughter of the King, that you just can't seem to shake? A burden maybe for an area that is in desperate need? A ministry at your church that needs someone to step up, take others by their hands and lovingly lead, perhaps? Maybe day in and day out, you weep before your daddy about a particular issue...your heart is heavy, your desire is strong...or how find yourself going back in your mind to that lost friend you have, who you know needs Jesus desperately, but you've never gone and asked her to hang out with you, you have yet to pursue her...Are you the daughter of the King who cries relentlessly to your Daddy behind closed doors, with a desire to adopt a become a "mother to many"?...What is it that the Lord is telling you through your holy burdens, through your tears, through your passion and your desires that have been placed there by our Holy Spirit?
"But God, how will we..."
But, wait, what about.."
"Oh, Father, I don't know..."
"I know...GO...hear my promises that I am singing over you, that I sang over your father like he trusted me, not knowing any details...not knowing which step to take next, and just...go.."

Choosing to hold tight to his promises, to ask no questions, to hope, to believe in his calling...and to go...
Love in Jesus, 

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