Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Seasons :)

A sweet friend of mine shared a fabulous word with me you have that one friend in your life who always seems to be getting incredible words from Jesus and it's like you can't get to her FAST ENOUGH each day, week, month, you name it, to hear the word she has been given???

well...shout out to Angie P..this ones for you :) 

if you DON'T have one of these friends/mentors in your life, start praying for Jesus to give you one. They not only encourage, motivate and speak life, but they escort you to places deep deep down in your walk with Jesus that you never knew you could go. When you think you have your "relationship" and your studying down to a T, as if you could go no deeper, you better jump off that horse your riding and grab you a piece of humble pie..because until we see Jesus face to face..we are NEVER through growing and learning about just who Jesus is..there is SO much to His presence, to His beauty. So much to His character. to His word..Whewww i'm getting exhausted just thinking about how deep He is..but guess what?? His supply of energy is neverending... so you just hold on and allow him to refuel you cause here we go...

Angie spoke some serious Jesus life into me yesterday. Let me sit down with my cup'a joe beside you on the couch your sitting on and ask you a question...

Ever get "antsy" about what's next? About what God has in store for you at the end of this season? Ever get a little frustrated, worried, stressed, anxious, yada yada yaa waiting for that "next" big exciting move in your life? ... I'll let you in a little too. 

Angie shared with me this one statement that has been driven deep down in my heart all day yesterday and today.. 
"God is always using the season you're IN to prepare you for the season He will take you to NEXT."

hmm..pretty simple statement right? but, thats the beauty of Jesus. He takes what seems simple to the human eye and turns it into something that is beyond extraordinary!!! Ya see, where you are in life right now is no accident. It's referred to as a season..and just like the season's change, so will your season. It's certainly spring outside right now..when we moved into our new home this past July, there were some kind of bushes growing outside my front door...didn't know what they were until about three days ago..their BEAUTIFUL!! They are beautiful white and pink somethins (they're pretty flowers, thats about all i know HA!) growing all OVER what were once just green boring bushes..

WHAT SEASON YOUR IN NOW, WHAT DIFFICULTIES YOU MIGHT BE FACING NOW, WHAT MAY SEEM TO YOU TO BE INSIGNIFICANT AND  OVERLOOKED, BORING AND OF NO VALUE, IS ACTUALLY SOMETHING THAT WILL, IN GODS TIMING, TURN INTO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. If the season you are in is a season you feel you should be OUT OF or WAY PASSED, it could be that YOUR WRONG. God is still wanting to show you something in the season your in. He is not through with THIS season, or else He would already have you at the next station. 

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Instead of being bitter and anxious about getting to that next season, stop and savor the season your in...because like every season, seasons change. and yours will too.

Stop, smell the roses, and be thankful :)

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