Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Oh hey God, didn't see ya sitting there...

Well, my goodness, Lord. we are about to be in J U N E. the year has just flown by...our days truly are numbered - our lives are like a cloud of vapor. There and then, poof. gone. thank you Jesus for your miracles in my life. 
yesterday morning Jesus, you and me, we had a sweet, sweet time. you sang over me a new soul took my mind back to the time before i was ever a thought to my held me when no one else knew who i were the first one to cradle me...and even then, later on,when i was in my mama's womb, you saw me and loved me. 
you took notice. you always notice...for someone to notice the tiny details within a life thats not even yet HAD to have time to look. God i can't thank you enough for how you notice your you notice your daughters...there are no words to describe the gratefulness that fills my soul to know that even before i was born to now, here, in my bloomin' twenties...for answering years of prayer throughout my life..for planting desires years ago...and for allowing me to see so many of them come to pass...Lord, YOU are the God who N O T I C E S. you notice me in my weaknesses- Lord, you noticed me when my mama and granny sang over me as a little blonde hair,wild eyed little girl... Oh Daddy, i love you for noticing...if You didn't take notice of my life, who would? 

i couldn't P A Y someone on this earth to love the details of my life like you do voluntarily.

I am so desire G O O D for me. when i hurt, when i laugh, you notice. you hurt, you laugh. 
Yesterday, as I sat down with the regular cup of coffee and my word, you spoke over me. You whispered to me.."I notice.. I notice your desires...I notice your deep, deep hidden and secret desires of the heart..I've placed them there...I see you baby girl.."

You spoke life into my soul yesterday morning and here I am, a whole day has past, and that life is still vibrant within my heart... You are the L I F E hold ALL life in your hands...

the very hands that hold the keys, the power to LIFE, hold ME. wow.

"I charge you in the presence of God, who gives L I F E to ALL things..." 1 timothy 6:13..

For those of you struggling in your walk, struggling through the wilderness, your eyes straining to see anyone watching you as you pursue the day...just be reminded today...

He notices you.

love in Jesus ,
Ash =)

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