Tuesday, August 26, 2014

oh, that view...

girl's night has come and gone. about three weeks ago, our girls ministry had what i consider to be a mountaintop of a night. The climb getting to where the Lord wanted us to reach that night was tough...the word brought to us was a tough one..not one filled with ear tickling words, but words that pierce straight to the soul. the core of the mountain that we're climbing. But oh my...after his words were spoken, after truth was revealed...the view was...breathtaking. Looking out at a crowd of 150 middle and highschool girls just broken, mascara all over the place...but their hands raised to heaven, to Jesus...as if begging him, "Pick me up"...makes my year. It's what I live for. To see girls mesmerized by their daddy, some for the first time, some after having left him several times. the view is just unlike any view i've witnessed. Seeing girls broken over their sin, their way they've chosen...and seeing them starring into Jesus's eyes..as if they were dancing with him to the beat of his rhythm...to me, that view is more powerful, more captivating... than snow-capped mountains in alaska, than the ocean waves beating back and forth against each other with the sun in the fading background..and ladies, those are some beautiful sights. beautiful views. But...after walking with Jesus a while, for those of you who have been on the journey quite some time...you know. and you get it. There are some beautiful views throughout life that we long to see...
for some it's graduating high school, 
for some its finally getting a top locker that freshman or sophmore year, 
for some of you it's making that dance team that you've longed to be apart of, slipping on that field show outfit for the first time, putting in those diamond earings for that first show...I remember how that first show felt...the view from the field looking out at all those fans, all those mamas and daddys who were there for YOU. a view unlike any other at the time...
for some it's moving off to college...gaining that independence that you know is just a breath away..
for some it's getting married and having those beautiful babies that look just like the man your so in love with...calling that breathtaking view "mine" and wrapping that little miracle up in your arms...
for some, it's landing that job that holds within it your deep soul passion...waking up every morning and pursuing what her heart and soul love to do, without tests and others forcing you to do what you may despise..
for some, the view that is in front of you is not what you want...you're tired of the same view...

walking with Jesus, seeing his miracles, seeing in my own personal life things that apart from his power, I would never, ever in a million years see..seeing girls...prisoners...literally stand up from that dark and dingy cell they've been living in..and walk into freedom..light...there is no view greater than this. as ladies who desire Jesus...let us be more thrilled about what our Daddy wants to do in us, through us and for us..about THAT view...let us ask Him to increase our border and to paint for us a view so beyond comprehension that when we see it, when we see HIM pursuing us, working in us and for us...no other view is desired but that one in our own walks...girls, ladies..no view is more beautiful than the view HE paints for you. So stand back, and prepare to be breathless by the view he is preparing to show you. I know I'm ready. I'm ready to see what he paints next for my view =)

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